Final Exam Schedules

Final exams are less than a month away. Click here to view the middle school exam schedule and here to view the high school exam schedule

Volunteer Tea

A huge thank-you to all of the parents who have volunteered at TIS over the past year. You are invited to our annual Volunteer Tea on Wed, May 28 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. Elementary classes will be performing during the event and there will also be some wonderful student artwork on…

Graduation Day!

Friday, May 23 was a day 54 TIS graduates will not soon forget. Dressed in their caps and gowns, they walked across the stage at MUST Auditorium to accept their high school diplomas in front of proud family members and friends. The ceremony was followed by a graduation banquet at Macau…

Flu Season Is Here

We are well into the cold and flu season in Macau, but good health habits can often help stop the spread of germs. Proper hygiene such as regular hand-washing (or using hand sanitizer) and covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing can help prevent respiratory illnesses. if…

It’s Graduation Day!

Congratulations Class of 2014! Graduation is finally here! It's your reward for all of the tests, exams, assignments, projects, presentations and homework  you have done over the years. Enjoy your special day, you deserve it!

TIS Annual Report

Check out the new TIS annual report which highlights the school's goals, strategies, achievements and financial information for the 2012-2013 academic year

SMS Messaging System

Many parents found out about today's suspension of classes first thing this morning via a SMS message to their phone. The TIS SMS messaging service is a convenient and easy way to learn about school closures due to the weather as well as other important school news. If you would…

Classes Suspended

Due to the rainstorm, the DSEJ has announced that secondary schools will suspend classes in the morning. Primary, infant and special education schools will suspend classes for the whole day.

Grade 12 Students Gear Up For Grad!

Friday, May 23 is going to be a very special day for Grade 12 students and their families. Why? It's graduation day! 54 students will walk across the stage at MUST Auditorium to accept their high school certificates. Then it's off to Macau Tower for a graduation banquet where the…

New Course Added For Secondary Summer School

Registration is still open for Secondary Summer School and a new course called "Intro to Programming" has been added. This two-week course is for students who want to learn how computers think and how we give them instructions by writing code. Our favorite games, apps and websites are all made using…