Spring Break Rescheduled to March 2 – 6

Dear Parents, Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to work through this very difficult coronavirus situation. As time passes, and with uncertainty about when classes will officially resume in Macau, we have to adapt and make changes as best we can. The planning is a collaborative…

From the TIS Counsellors Support Center

The International School of Macao has been affected by the outbreak of the Codvid-19 as have many other thriving social and learning communities. In many ways, TIS is considered a home away from home, where the students, staff and parents in the community can gather and feel they belong. While…

February 18th CODVID-19 Update

Dear Parents, I hope this update finds all of our families safe and healthy during this difficult time. As you may already be aware, the MSAR government announced yesterday, a 14 day quarantine for non-resident workers coming from mainland China or who have been to China in the past 14…

Secondary Report Cards are out on Gibbon

Parents can now view your child's report card on Gibbon. Here are the steps to access your child's report cards: 步驟: Log onto Gibbon using your Username & Password 使用 閣下之帳號名稱及密碼登入Gibbon系統 Using the pull-down menu, under “Assess” choose “Reports” - All your child’s reports will be available in date order.…

Learning Platforms

As some of our learning platforms may not be available in mainland China, many TIS teachers are using Gibbon to send messages to parents and students. If you are not receiving any messages or if you can’t access your Gibbon account, please send an email message to gibbonsupport@tis.edu.mo. TIS staff…

Coronavirus Update: February 5, 2020

Dear Parents, As you are aware, the DSEJ has suspended all classes until further notice (Latest DSEJ Update). We will receive at least one week's notice of when classes will resume. When classes resume, you can be assured that we will have the necessary preventative measures in place for all…

Student Health Check Form Required by DSEJ

In the interest of the safety of the school community, the DSEJ is requiring that all students complete the following health form. Please complete the form for your child before Monday February 3, 2020. Only the necessary information will be submitted to the DSEJ and all information will remain confidential.…

All Classes Are Suspended Until Further Notice

Dear Parents, As you are probably aware, the DSEJ has suspended all classes until further notice (Latest DSEJ Update). This is a preventive measure to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and, as a school in Macau, we follow their direction and guidance. We will receive at least one week…

Chinese New Year Festivities

By Howard Tong, Grade 12 Last Friday, the Chinese department hosted a Chinese Festival throughout the day for students and parents to celebrate Chinese New Year in advance. There were Chinese themed performances including the lion dance, dragon dance, and even Chinese poetry recitals by teachers from multiple departments. In…

Helping Out Our Furry Friends At MADSAW

As we all know, the TIS Volunteer Team helps out at local elderly homes, orphanages, charity organisations, events, flag sales and many more. Recently, they helped out at a local animal shelter, MADSAW, for a change. MASDAW is an animal rescue center in Coloane which rescues and sterilizes dogs as…