TIS Students Through to the Macao English Speech Competition Finals!

Congratulations to Hilda Chan, Phoebe Ma (both Grade 6) and Vivian Ng (Grade 12), for defeating some very tough competition at the 17th Macao-wide English Speech Contest & 24th "21st Century" National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest, last weekend. All three students impressed the judges with their performances in…

House Challenges Off To a Great Start

Text & Photos - Cyan Muirhead (Graduate Intern) The front field was dotted with bright colours as the first House team event kicked off today throughout the school. With team-building activities such as painting banners, a cookie challenge, hula hoop pass, and tug-of-war, house mates celebrated their victories together, continuing…

TIS shares knowledge with Teacher Interns from Laos

Article written by Cyan Muirhead, Video Interview by Karen Tho (TIS Class of 2018 Graduates currently interning in the Communications Department) Since the commencement of the school year, two young men have braved an unfamiliar environment, an urban jungle of towering skyscrapers full of traffic, seeking ways to learn how…

Family Service Trip Get Ready to Take Off

As the Fall Break approaches, twenty TIS families, ranging from Grades 1 to 8, are getting ready for the 2nd TIS Family Service Trip.  Last year, Mr. & Mrs. Kiat led our first ever Family Service trip to Chiang Mai where they learnt about the local culture, and for many…

Record Representatives & Attendees at the 8th Annual TIS University Fair

Close to 70 top international universities were on hand at this year's University Fair, to help Grade 9 to 12 students find their ideal tertiary program and advise on the application process and learn about scholarship opportunities. Students from neighbouring schools, School of Nations, Macau Anglican College and Utahloy International…

Student Newspaper Gives Outlet for Student Voice at TIS

A group of secondary students have collaborated in creating a student-run online newspaper aka Student Voice.  They are still in the process of finalising the technicalities of the online platform, but here is a taster of articles we can expect in the near future. by Mikayla Loney (Gr. 11) For…

Mid Autumn Festival Fun

TIS hosted another successful Mid Autumn Festival. The MPR was decorated with beautiful lanterns made by our students creating a colourful festive mood.  TISPA served up burgers and hot dogs and yummy cakes and sweet treats.  Middle School Leadership team kept everyone busy with lots of fun and games. Big…

High School Experience Week Selection Process

All high school students are encouraged to make their Experience Week choices by Friday, September 28th at 9AM. Parents and students can read more about each of the Experience Week Options at portal.tis.edu.mo/experienceweek/ Students can fill out the google form under the “Choose Your Program” page, using their TIS account.…

Typhoon Signal No 3 to be raised at 1pm

SMG have advised the Typhoon Signal 3 will hoisted at 13:00 today. As per DSEJ, kindergarten and elementary classes are to be canceled for schools whose students go home at lunch. As our students remain at school for lunch, classes will continue as normal. School buses will run as normal.…