Congratulations! Class of 2020

TIS would like to extend its warmest congratulations to the Class of 2020 who had their graduation ceremony followed by a sumptuous afternoon tea at the JW Marriott on Saturday, May 30th. This year, sixty-eight Grade 12 students received their Alberta High School Diplomas in front of friends, families, TIS…

Kasey’s Little Brown Mouse is a Winner

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruptions globally, especially in the world of education. Whilst older students have quite successfully adapted to on-line learning, keeping kindergarten students focused on the screen for a long time-span is neither easy nor ideal. Hence our teachers have come up with various projects to engage…

Pursuing a Career in Chinese Law

Throughout the history of TIS, our graduates have accepted offers from many great universities around the world. However, applicants to universities in mainland China are few and far between. Soon-to-be 2020 graduate, KK Ieong, has been offered a place to study Chinese Law at the highly acclaimed China University of…

Student Recruitment 2020/2021

Applications for new students open on Saturday, May 2nd 2020. We are now accepting applications for JK to Grade 11. Interested parties, please apply online by clicking here or scanning the QR code below.

Reading at Home with Your Kindergarten Aged Child

Our Kindergarten team has put together a series of reading pamphlets to help parents and caregivers understand the importance of reading at home with your child. The pamphlets also include different strategies and activities to support a life-long love of reading.  Happy reading!   幼稚園老師製作了一系列閱讀小冊子,希望藉此幫助家長或照顧孩子的人了解在家與孩子一同閱讀的重要性。這些小冊子還包括不同的策略和活動,以支持發展終身閱讀的愛好!      

Helpful Tips from our TIS Counselling Team

Dear TIS Parents, As a Counselling Team, we recognize that our community is doing exceptionally well under the circumstances, showing noteworthy flexibility and resilience. However, sometimes we know that it can also be helpful to access additional support and we would like our families to know that we are here…

Interview on COVID-19 with SARS Expert Dr. Sarah Borwein

The internet is currently flooded with information about the Corona virus, some informative others not so much (and possibly fake news!). Below is an article extracted from the website of Hong Kong based healthcare experts, AD Medilink, which gives some good insights into the virus. Originally from Canada, Dr. Sara…

Alumni, Stella Welcomes CNY With Creative Rat Sculpture

Text & Photos by Karen Tho (Media & Communications Intern) To celebrate the Chinese New Year and welcome the Year of the Rat, TIS alumni Stella Preece was invited to decorate a fibreglass rat sculpture with her own design. She is currently studying at University of Saint Joseph as a…

Change in Morning Drop Off Routines starting Monday, January 6, 2020

This year, we made a few changes to the morning drop off routines for students in PK-Grade 6, removing morning line-ups and opening classrooms to students at 8:00a.m. with the choice to play inside or outside until the 8:25a.m. bells. This change helped to address some of the morning routine…

Enrolment Information for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

A gentle reminder that as in the previous years, applications for First Time Kindergarten Enrolments for the 2020/2021 academic year will again be managed through the DSEJ Centralised Registration process. Enrolment information will be available on their website from the 1st January. Parents can register on the DSEJ website or…