Full Steam Ahead for TIS Laptop Program!

Plans for implementing the TIS Think Digital Laptop Program in September 2015 are right on track. The program will require each student in grade 7 & 10 to bring an approved laptop to school each day. Enrollment of current grade 6 & 9 students is now underway; Parent Information Packages…

Arts Night A Delight!

TIS students showcased their amazing artistic talent at Arts Night tonight. From pottery and photography to oil paintings and pastels, it was all on display in the MPR for parents, teachers and friends to enjoy and admire. Many thanks to teachers Ms. Kelly, Mr. O'Flaherty, Ms Wilson and Ms Holmes…

Health Notice to Parents

Dear Parents, Not only are we in the final month of school, but we are also in the middle of cold and flu season. A number of students have been become ill within the past week and we would like to advise you on some helpful precautions to prevent illnesses…

Principal’s Thoughts

What To Learn or How To Learn? David Spreadbury, Secondary Principal I was very fortunate to have a mentor teacher in my early days of teaching, who was adamant that he did not teach math, he taught children. At the time, I thought it was a just his unique way…

TIS Alumni Reception & BBQ

Hey TIS graduates and former staff members - our alumni reception and BBQ is next week on Friday, June 12 from 6-8 p.m. at the school. We would love to catch up with you and share the latest news about our Phase II project and other campus developments. Join us…

Deadline for School Photo Orders

A reminder to parents that the last day to order school photos is Tuesday, June 30th. You can order online at www.dgm-photo.com for individual photos and www.hongkongschoolphotos.com for group photos. All credit cards (including Macau credit cards) can be used for online orders. You can also order manually by picking…

UK A Popular Destination For TIS Grads

With their Alberta High School diplomas, TIS graduates have received acceptances from over 70 universities in the UK! UK universities are familiar with the Alberta High School diploma and are happy to offer spaces to students who have good marks, an interest in their subjects, good character and English proficiency.…

Arts Night Only Three Days Away!

Students have been busy putting the finishing touches on their artwork for Arts Night. The annual TIS event is being held this Thursday, June 4 from 6-8:30 p.m. in the MPR and will showcase art from Kindergarten to Grade 12.  There will be much to see - from watercolour drawings…

TIS An Important Stepping Stone for Jimmy Lee

Jimmy Lee can truly say he was at TIS from the very beginning - not only did he start at TIS in Kindergarten and attend the school right through to Grade 12, he was a part of the very first Kindergarten class in 2002, the school's first year of operation!…

Think Digital!

TIS is excited to be starting its “Think Digital” Laptop Program in September 2015. Increased access to technology will directly benefit students’ learning by allowing for more engaging and diverse teaching to occur. Students who use laptops will be able to access multiple sources of information and share & collaborate…