Howard Stribbell, Head of School
Students taking the Alberta curriculum tend to outperform students in other provinces and tend to score very high on international examinations. It is a widely accepted curriculum that allows students to attend universities around the world.
TIS selected the Alberta curriculum because it is:
- Developmentally appropriate
- Rigorous and challenging
- Emphasizes inquiry and multiple perspectives
- Has standardized exams in grade 12
Curriculum can not remain static. It needs to grow and adapt as students’ and society’s needs change. As a result, Alberta is embarking on a Curriculum ReDesign. It wants to enhance its curriculum by
- Emphasizing personalized learning
- Applying learning to real-life situations
- Ensuring that curriculum is current and relevant
- Emphasizing citizenship and being global agents of change
- Ensuring that the curriculum is responsive to local needs and contexts
What does this mean for TIS? Alberta hasn’t released any specific details yet. When they do, the changes will be phased in over a number of years. However, I believe we can expect:
- Greater choices about courses and ways of demonstrating learning
- An updated curriculum with increasing relevancy
- Greater emphasis on character development
- Continued foundation of literacy and numeracy
More details about the Curriculum ReDesign to come soon. Stay tuned!